Monday, May 16, 2011

Lil Chris will fuck you up.

If you've ever been within an earshot of Lil Chris, you'd be scared of him and hate him. His antics are that of a kid, rightfully so. Be that as it may, it's still hard deciding how to treat him. Do you beat up on him because he's the grommie?  Or treat him as an equal because of his caliber of skating? This thought leaves anyone next to him paralyzed with question and no answer. No worry though, he'll wake you up by making you flinch and once the deed is done, he'll give you two for flinching. That is just the "being scared" portion of knowing Lil Chris.

You'll hate him because of his skating, I mean how frustrating is it to see a 13 year old kid do tricks we can only dream of? In all seriousness though, he's an amazing skater and person. For most of us that have seen him grow over the years, an overwhelming feeling of pride fills the atmosphere when witnessing his skating firsthand. Chris has an interview over at Power Edge Magazine so be sure to check it out. Currently, Chris is getting flow from 5boro, Emerica and hopefully more to come so keep an eye on him.

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